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I have been supporting scholarship programs for many years. It is one of the most productive uses of my philanthropic dollars. It provides me with more satisfaction than almost anything else I do.

There is nothing more inspiring and uplifting than hearing the stories of young student lives turned around by the quality of their education. With scholarship support, families can take their children from failing schools and place them in successful schools. And that will make all the difference.

I am happy to help make that happen.

Ken Boudreau
Scholarships for Low-Income Families

Become Involved — Donate Today

Sample Gift Amounts and Impact:

$22,500 – will provide a full K-8 scholarship for a CTCEE Scholar

$10,000 – will provide four one year’s scholarships for CTCEE Scholars

$2,500 – will provide one year’s scholarship for a CTCEE Scholar

$1,250 – will provide a semester’s scholarship for a CTCEE Scholar

$250 – will provide one month’s scholarship for a CTCEE Scholar

Gifts of any amount will have great impact and are very appreciated by our CTCEE Scholars and Families

Ways to Donate

Donate By Mail

To make a gift by mail, please download the pledge form and send a check or money order to:

Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence
Attention: Carolanne Marquis, Chief Executive Officer
290 Hunter Drive
Litchfield, CT 06759

To learn more about CTCEE or request additional information regarding our mission please contact: | Or call: 585.472.5221

CTCEE is an independently managed education center:

A Center offering support, leadership, and innovative solutions in partnership with families and communities to ensure ALL children receive an excellent education that honors their uniqueness.