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Read the letter from our CEO

Dear Friends,

It is my privilege to introduce you to the new and very exciting Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence (CTCEE).

As you review the information contained throughout this website, you will learn of the Imperative and Need for a Center that will serve Connecticut families with scholarship support to private schools.

Opportunities that will meet the unique needs and honor the potential of low-income children throughout Connecticut.

CTCEE Mission

Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence (CTCEE) offers support, leadership, and innovative solutions in partnership with families and communities to ensure ALL CHILDREN receive an excellent education that honors their uniqueness.

Why is CTCEE Needed?

The status quo is failing our students.

Connecticut has one of the widest “education gaps” in the country with the second worst reading and the fifth worst math gap between low-income and non-low-income fourth graders in the country. The state also has the third worst math and the fourteenth worst reading gap between low-income and non-low-income eighth graders in the United States.

Meanwhile, the pandemic created catastrophic learning loss, with math proficiency levels the lowest in 20 years, and average reading scores at all-time lows.

Our children deserve an education that will equip them to live lives of success, dignity, and purpose.

CTCEE is a necessary alternative for low-income children by providing:

Scholarships for Low Income Children

A Professional Opportunity Resource Center

Alternative Education Pathways

Parental Involvement in Their Child’s Education


How We Will Help Expand Opportunity

A Chance to Grow

By funding scholarships, CTCEE and its partners will allow our children the opportunity to thrive and forge a brighter future for themselves.

But the students are neither the Center’s only beneficiaries, nor its only focus. CTCEE knows forging long-term relationships of trust with parents is vital to a student’s success. We offer parents counsel and advice on gaining entrance to private schools, financial responsibility management as well as planning their child’s educational future.  

Your generosity makes these scholarships possible — Thank You!

A Force for Good Ideas

CTCEE will also serve as a repository of innovative policy on education reform and provide resources for those interested in alternative education methods, including pods and micro-schools.



Community Testimonials